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lofty questions mindvalley christie marie sheldon

She knew the power of her mind and so programmed it for successCarrie Green

You can manifest in a number of ways. Many people simply pray or say their positive daily affirmations out loud or write them clearly in their daily journals.

Some other build dream boards to visually shape their dreams. But did you know you can also use positively-worded lofty questions to reach your goals and manifest the positive outcomes you desire in life?

Lofty questions help focus your thoughts on the positive aspect of everything you do or experience in life even if there isn’t yet much to show for.

Expressing positively formulated questions about the things you want most in your life is giving your mind a clear direction it should follow to bring you everything you desire. 

This is a truly powerful yet lesser-known concept taking its source from the law of attraction. The good news is you don’t need to be particularly spiritual as a person to benefit from all it has to offer.

If you’re curious about how to use lofty questions in greater detail, you’ve come to the right place.

What Are Lofty Questions?

Lofty questions are positively-worded questions that help you appreciate various elements in your life. Your words are more powerful than you believe them to be. Whatever words you send out into the universe revert back to you and form your experiences.

It is therefore very important that you compose your lofty questions the right way and use them regularly to improve every aspect of your life.

Lofty Questions with Christie Marie Sheldon (Mindvalley)

In this short video, intuitive life coach and healer- Christie Marie Sheldon- explains how she uses lofty questions to shape the outcome of her actions.

Lofty Questions Examples

Below is a list with examples of lofty questions in a few important areas of life which hopefully will give you some ideas on how to apply them to your personal circumstances.

Take note of how these questions use positive words like ‘great,’ ‘good,’ ‘enjoy’ or ’always’ to reinforce the recurrence of the specific positive outcome in life.

Lofty Questions for Money

Wouldn’t it be great to make a lot of money doing what I love?

Why do I have more money than I need?

Why am I so good at making, keeping, and multiplying money? (‘nicked’ from Tony Robbins 🙂 )

Lofty Questions for Health & Fitness

Why is my complexion so clear and glowing today?

How come I’m always healthy and know what food is good for me?

Why do I enjoy running every morning so much?

How come my body is more flexible every day?

Lofty Questions for Good Relationships & Happiness

How come I always have such loving and supportive people around me?

Why am I so blessed with amazing and supportive friends?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet the true love of my life right now?

How Do Lofty Questions Work: Lofty Questions vs Negative Self-Talk

When you think about it for a moment, you’ll realize that your mind works a bit like a Google browser. Ask it a certain question and it will focus its all attention on providing you the most accurate, relevant answer.

Almost exactly like when you google your question to find the best answer for your query.

Do you ever ask yourself questions like:

“Why am I so fat?”

“Why do I look so old and haggard?”

“Why am I broke again?”

“Ask and it is given” ….

“Well (since you asked), because you binged on the whole tub of ice-creams last night and skipped the gym for a week?”

“Err, because you smoke like a chimney, eat junk and don’t sleep enough?”

“Because you took advantage of yet another amazing promotion at Macy’s the minute your paycheck arrived?”

Now, these may not be the exact questions you’re asking yourself (aka negative self-talk) but we all have some ‘favorites’ like these within our arsenal so hopefully you get the point I’m making here.

The quality of your questions will determine the quality of the answers your google-mind will spit out for you.

Ask yourself better quality questions and your google-mind will prompt you with better answers, ideas and solutions.

Most likely you wouldn’t even be googling “why am I fat” and rather be more neutral (and kind) typing something like “how to lose weight fast”.

Why then be harsh on yourself and ask useless questions that don’t inspire you to take action in the desired direction, making you feel miserable and resigned at the same time?

Why am I telling you all this? It’s because lofty questions are your positive google questions. Practice using them instead and see the magic happen in no time!

What Is the Purpose of Asking Lofty Questions

Asking lofty questions helps you manifest your better reality as it focuses your attention on the positive, letting your mind come up with the most relevant answers to the positively constructed questions you’re asking.

Lofty questions let you reframe your thinking and steer you away from negative thoughts.

Lofty questions help you to set clear expectations and work towards achieving them. Granted, you might not get everything you desire (or not right away), but you will be able to recalibrate your mind to give you the best chance of realizing your dreams and enjoy the process along the way.

Even if asking certain positively-formulated lofty questions doesn’t feel ‘true’ at first, the more often you do it, the more natural, easy and believable it becomes (building your confidence at the same time).

Still skeptical about it? Have you ever heard the saying that a lie repeated many times eventually becomes the truth?

Repetition is the mother of all skills. So even if you don’t feel comfortable at first when asking yourself:

“Why do I look so slim and happy today?”, your mind will work with the best you’ve got to answer this, relevant specifically to yourself e.g. 

“because you’re wearing your favorite dress that your hubby gave you for your birthday” OR

“because you’ve started going to the gym on regular basis and your body already feels more toned and flexible (wait till you see me in a month’s time, grrr 😊)?”.  

You will be surprised how quickly you’ll come up with a satisfying response and how much more positive you’ll start to feel overall.

Start asking yourself lofty questions and your mind will pick out the best answers (or the feeling attached to it) from your positive personal circumstances. 

The best part is that you don’t even need to wait and listen for any specific answer from your mind in repose to your lofty question. The ’magic’ of just asking lofty questions will still have its positive effect on you.

Over time and with practice you should also notice the confidence it builds in you and the overwhelming sense of positivity growing in you when you ask the questions.

Still not convinced? Do it for fun or treat it as an experiment for a month. Give it a chance! Afterall, what you’ve got to lose?

How to Use Lofty Questions: Lofty Questions Technique Explained

To start, create a clear image of what you want in your head and use that to formulate your questions. Remember that your words and intentions are powerful, so be cautious in forming your lofty questions.

Keep them simple, positive, and direct.

Use the following patterns to frame your lofty questions:

Why do I/why is it that I (always)… + positive desired outcome in present time

How come I

Wouldn’t it be great/lovely/wonderful to do/be etc

Simply start by asking yourself each day a couple of lofty questions surrounding one specific outcome you desire e.g. use a couple of different variations of lofty questions for the same outcome and notice how much better it makes you feel to just express these questions.

I strongly suggest you ask your lofty questions out loud, where possible (e.g. when you’re home alone), as it seems to have a more powerful effect than just asking in your mind.

It’s clearly signaling to your mind what is that you want and from the law of attraction point of view, it manifests your intention to the Universe helping your dreams to materialize.

Although it’s not required, you may go a step further (especially when you’re just starting out with it) and answer your own question. For example:

“Why am I so good at my job?” “Well, it’s because I am always organized, diligent, and up for the task.”

By asking your lofty question and answering it with optimism, you are able to recognize your strengths and appreciate yourself.

When you feel good about yourself, you radiate positive energy that affects everyone around you. As a result, your boss and co-workers will find you pleasant to be around and perceive you as a hard worker.

Once you get some more practice with it you may try saying your lofty questions in your mind yet I would still recommend verbal practice for the most part.

Over time you’ll also notice how easy and comfortable it feels to say your lofty questions right left (honestly), it almost becomes a habit.

You’ll feel more confident ‘to lofty question’ your personal circumstances all the time and for a variety of different outcomes throughout your day e.g.

“why do I feel so awesome today?”,

“how come I look so good in this dress?”,

“wouldn’t it be great if there was no traffic on my way to work today?”,

“why am I so good at this project?”,

“why am I so lucky working with people I truly like?”,

“how come I eat so healthy?” etc.

Over time, you may want to formulate more specific lofty questions geared towards your true desires and mold them with your intentions.

Ask yourself lofty questions and anticipate the positive effects that it will have in your future. That way you can use lofty questions as a powerful technique to manifest your dreams.

You can also use reinforcing words such as ‘always’ and positive adjectives such as ‘amazing’ or ‘good.’

Notice, this is the exact opposite of negative declarations such as “I’ll never be successful” or “I’m such a failure”. Negative language only sets you up for failure whereas lofty questions help you to build confidence.

When you push forward confidently, you convince not only yourself but also the people around you that you are capable and worthy of success.

Lofty Questions vs Affirmations – Are They the Same?

Lofty questions are positively formulated questions whereas affirmations are positive statements both expressing one’s desired outcome. Although both share the same intention of manifesting wants and dreams they seem to differ in terms of approach which impacts on their effectiveness level.

As explained earlier, asking lofty questions trains your mind to focus on the positive outcomes to the positive questions. Like a Google browser-ask the right question and you’ll get the most relevant response in the direction of your query.

Personally, I think this is what’s missing in the affirmations. Affirmations work less effectively simply because the lack of question in their structure means the mind is left with more freedom of choice when it comes to focusing on the outcome -it can be both positive and negative.

For example, if you manifest good heath by affirming: “I eat healthy”, your mind is not as strongly geared towards looking for a positive confirmation of your affirmation.

In a way it is almost objective and may remember arguments for both confirmation of your affirmation and also a contradiction of it. And whichever of the two comes to mind first, will prevail.

Does it sound relatable when you say your affirmation “I eat healthy” and all of a sudden you mind goes:    

“Yeah, right-how about that pizza you’ve demolished late last night?”

It almost feels like the mind wants to explore all the possibilities of the truthfulness of the affirmation instead of solely being focused on the positive. And we want our mind to be subjective to our intention, not objective to the reality.

For that reason, I personally think lofty questions are more powerful and reliable when it comes to delivering on their objective.

But the important thing is whatever works for you is the best course of action. If affirmation is what gives you results-great. If not-consider lofty questions as your alternative.

Want to learn more about manifesting your unlimited abundance?-join FREE Masterclass with Christie Marie Sheldon to learn how abundance blocks are holding you back from wealth and experience her unique energy clearing technique.

unlimited abundance mindvalley christie marie sheldon

How To Use Lofty Questions: Summary

Now that you understand how to use lofty questions effectively, you can try it with an aspect of your life that you want to improve.

You’ll never know when the universe will decide to reciprocate your positive energy, but with diligence and the right attitude, you can be confident that your desires are all within your reach.

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