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how to develop an attitude of gratitude

Do you want to know the secret on how to develop an attitude of gratitude? Then note that it all boils down to your appreciation of even the simplest things. Developing an attitude of gratitude is all about being grateful for everything that you have and taking a moment each day to honestly relish and recognize the good things in your life even during difficult times.

What Is an Attitude of Gratitude?

An attitude of gratitude is the ability to be genuinely grateful and thankful for every blessing you receive regardless of the setbacks and challenges you are also experiencing right now. It is the disposition or habit to be grateful. This means that this positive attitude gives you the ability to show your genuine appreciation for every opportunity that comes your way.

Having a grateful attitude also means that you were successful in honing that mental state, which shows your gratefulness for everything that happens to you no matter how small or big it is. You also recognize the fact that there are times when you will have to experience something bad in order to reap the good.

Why Gratitude Is the Best Attitude?

Many consider gratitude as the best attitude to cultivate since it enhances one’s creativity and promotes genuine happiness. Those who constantly practice gratitude, specifically on a daily basis, also have longer lifespans. They live longer plus they are more capable of recovering from devastating and stressful situations than those who have a hard time appreciating what they have.

Did You Know?

A study led by Michael E. McCullough in 2002 revealed that grateful people are capable of supporting and empathizing with others compared to the rest. Grateful people are perceived to be more generous and helpful, too. Furthermore, they are less prone to exhibiting any signs of jealousy and envy towards others.

Studies also show that expressing gratitude can raise your level of happiness by up to 25%. Taking a moment to be thankful for everything that you have rather than ruminating on what you lack can fill you up and make you more content. It can make you feel happier and avoid stress.

This can result in better and more peaceful sleep at night, which is good for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Developing an attitude of gratitude can also improve your creativity. If you fill your mind with only positive thoughts, rather than negative, you will be more open to new and creative solutions and ideas.

Moreover, grateful people have a higher chance of attaining success as they are also the ones who are willing to help others reach their goals.

How to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in 9 Easy Ways

Keeping in mind the good things that having an attitude of gratitude can provide, it is definitely safe to say that it is indeed the best attitude that anyone can cultivate and develop. If you want to know how to develop an attitude of gratitude, then practicing the following every single day can help.

Be grateful for everything you have and appreciate every little thing

Make it a habit to start and end your day thinking about all the things you can be thankful for. Do a quick reflection of the things you receive and enjoy every day. You can dedicate just five minutes every morning and evening to this habit.

You can say whatever it is you are thankful for aloud if you are alone so you can truly feel them. The good thing about doing this is that it can clear your mind, eliminating all your worries since you start and end your day with only positivity.

Being appreciative is also the key to cultivating gratitude. Note that you will find it challenging to practice gratefulness if you do not hone your ability to appreciate everything that you have. Take time to look at all the things around you right now. For sure, there is a thing or two that you genuinely appreciate.

Be more intentional when appreciating the things, regardless of how big or small, around you. Be thankful and appreciate the roof over your head, the food you eat, the air you breathe, and the presence of your loved ones.

To practice gratefulness and appreciation, you may want to have your own gratitude journal. Take some time everyday writing on this journal. List down the things that you want to be thankful for and you will immediately notice a genuine feeling of happiness.

Learn to meditate on gratitude

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Another way to practice the attitude of gratitude is to meditate. Meditation is known for its power in raising self-awareness. Every time you meditate, you get to silence your thoughts and get rid of all your worries. Meditation is so powerful that it can even change the manner through which your brain works.

It can shift your brain activity from the right frontal cortex, which processes stress, to the left frontal cortex, which promotes calmness. With that said, expect meditation to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety, and making you feel happier and more grateful.

Meditation also helps in building up areas of your brain and rewiring it to improve positive qualities, including decision-making and focus. It can then diminish qualities that are less positive, including stress and fear.

By mastering your mind through meditation, you also get to master your own emotions. You will notice everything flowing more easily. There is also a high chance for you to become less reactive, making you more capable of handling life challenges gracefully.

What’s great about meditation for gratitude is that it is easy to practice anywhere. You can just take a part of your busy schedule daily to reflect on the people and things that you are thankful for. It is also easy to learn. You can master meditation and maximize its power just by taking up an online course or reading a book about it.

Say thank you and smile

The simple act of saying thank you complete with positive body language like a genuine smile is also an effective way to develop gratitude. Start this habit by saying “thank you” for anything you receive from others. For instance, when eating out, don’t forget to say thank you to the waiters who served you delicious food.

This is just a simple act but it means so much to them. You will also feel good knowing that you have shown your appreciation to others.

Do random acts of kindness and give back

Share the positivity and good things you receive to others by doing random acts of kindness. Make it a point to give back and pay any favor you receive forward. You can always offer your help to others in your own little way, especially because you have also received help in one way or another before.

Among the random acts of kindness that you can do include offering help to a colleague or friend, complimenting someone, giving food to street children, and sending someone a gift or card even if there is no special occasion.

If you have the resources, you can also volunteer in organizations that support the needy. The goal here is to learn how to give back for all the blessings you receive.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

gratitude- surround yourself with like-minded people

Once you start honing your attitude of gratitude, ensure that you surround yourself with people who think the same as you. Stay away from those who may pull you down and stop you from attaining progress when building this habit. Look for people who can lift you and inspire you to continue doing what you have started.

Ensure that you are with people who don’t complain about what is lacking in their lives. Maintain a small but healthy social circle composed of people who see the good in everything and everyone. They should imbibe positivity and a gratitude mindset.

Live in the present

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You can also hone your attitude of gratitude by making it a habit to live in the present. Focus on the things that you have right now instead of what is missing. The good thing about living in the present is that it aids in reframing the things you are grateful and thankful for at present.

It also allows you to develop a clear focus on the kind of future you wish to build. Living in the present also gives you a clear perspective of your progress, making it possible for you to celebrate even your small wins and achievements.

Focus on the positive

When searching for the best way how to practice gratitude, learning how to focus on the positive can help. This means that you have to develop a positive mindset, one that prevents you from always looking at yourself as a victim. It’s time to stop complaining about what you don’t have and focus on all the positive things that are around you.

By having this mindset, you can see positivity even in challenging and tough situations. You should also begin to look at people in a more positive light. This means that you should stop looking at their flaws, imperfections, and mistakes.

Look at their best qualities, instead. Demonstrate this kind of positivity in every aspect of your life, even when dealing with challenges.

Learn to forgive

To continue honing gratitude and positive mindset, work on your ability to forgive. Even little acts of forgiveness can go a long way in improving your positivity and honing your attitude of gratitude. Forgiving can be hard, especially if you have to do it for someone who wronged you, but you can do it slowly.

By constantly practicing to forgive others, you will soon notice that it has become a natural thing to do. What’s great about learning to forgive is that it can release all your pent-up negativity and speed up your journey towards cultivating the attitude of being grateful.

Be kind to yourself

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is also about focusing on yourself. Start to be kinder to yourself. Be grateful for every step you have taken to overcome your struggles and difficulties. Treat yourself well. Do something that you really love to do every day.

It could be as simple as listening to your favorite music or watching an episode of your favorite TV series. Avoid being too harsh on yourself whenever you commit mistakes, too. Be grateful even for your mistakes as you can use them as great learning opportunities.

How to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude: Conclusion

By learning how to develop an attitude of gratitude, your life will be a lot easier. You will find more meaning in your life. Thanks to the practice of gratitude you will also have a strong sense of contentment and genuine happiness, knowing that there are so many things and people that you have to be thankful for each day.

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