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spiritual benefits of journaling

In our never-ending search for peace and spiritual freedom, we often resort to taking life’s most difficult and unsettling roads.

The roadblocks to spiritual growth and self-awareness are endless – doubts, uncertainties, illnesses, emotional baggage, failures, and more.

All these factors can get in the way of our success and might cause detrimental effects on our well-being.

When life seems too hard to handle, we can always draw on our inner strength to handle things more efficiently.

Journaling is one of the best ways to build a strong, lasting relationship with our inner world.

The spiritual benefits of journaling can help improve our self-awareness, and repair our broken self-esteem.

Journaling can serve as a powerful buffer between our damaged being and the cruel world. In times of uncertainties and difficulties, we can always rely on journaling for inner peace and clarity.

It is our source of calmness whenever we get so caught up with our thoughts and emotions.

Our very journal is our best friend, teacher, confidant, alter ego, and mediator to the deepest parts of our being.

While journaling can be an interesting and worthwhile activity, writing down your thoughts efficiently can certainly make a difference.

What Is Spiritual Journaling?

Spiritual journaling or contemplative writing is best defined as a therapeutic practice that enables a person to connect deeply and genuinely with his innermost being.

A spiritual journal is a powerful tool for self-discovery, an essential element of our personal growth that allows us to explore our truest selves.

It is through self-discovery that we learn and understand in a deeper way the meaning of our existence, our life’s purpose, and the core principles that can help us achieve all our goals and aspirations.

Spiritual journaling is an effective method of discovering our maximum potential to thrive well in the concrete jungle called life.

This therapeutic practice can ultimately lead us to self-reflection, the ability to assess and evaluate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Spiritual journaling also enables us to discover our belief systems or ideologies that guide us in understanding our daily realities, personal struggles, and life directions.

Moreover, spiritual journaling aids us to develop a deeper relationship with our highest self and the holy. 

Spiritual Benefits of Journaling

A spiritual journal lets us show and embrace our vulnerability and offers us the following beneficial effects that can improve our overall wellbeing:

1. Helps Us Get Clear On What We Want and Manifest Our Desired Future

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Our human nature naturally drives us to pursue our dreams and aspirations in life. Journaling helps us get clear on our goals, elaborate steps to reach our dreams, and align our energies with our visions.

When we are writing a journal, we wholeheartedly release all our emotions and allow a safe space where we can be truly happy and free.

Journaling is one of the most effective ways to focus our energy on the greater good and manifest our desired future.

Our journal can serve as our guide to the manifestation process.

Being clear on what we want makes it easier for us to manifest our heart’s desires – a perfect wedding, happy home, dream vacation, money, and all the things we wish to attain.

By visualizing our desires through journaling, we can stay focused on our goals and attract good fortune.

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2. Helps Us Manage Stress and Negative Emotions

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Journaling is a form of self-expression that allows us to slow down, watch our thoughts, and release our pent-up emotions. It allows us to express our emotions without inhibitions and biases.

Journaling allows us to let go of the things that hurt. It enables us to show our vulnerability to the world by letting our guard down and being our truest, most authentic selves.

Keeping a journal is an effective way of examining our thoughts and understanding the nature of various human behaviors.

It helps us manage stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that get in the way of our quest for self-improvement.

Furthermore, journaling can help us develop an efficient problem-solving strategy that can improve our general health and wellbeing.

3. Helps Us Track Our Spiritual Growth

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Journaling is an effective way of recording the progress of our spiritual lives. It provides tangible evidence of our daily life experiences and struggles.

Writing down our thoughts on paper enables us to remember life’s most significant moments. Keeping a journal can help us develop a better relationship with the Source, allowing us to be more resilient and free.

While the wounds of the past can continually break our desire to change, journaling can encourage us to be more persistent and draw closer to the Higher Power.

Over time, we will realize that all the struggles that get in the way of our spiritual improvement only prepare us for something great and worthwhile. We only have to wait and be extra patient.

4. Helps Us Document and Interpret Our Dreams

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Lucid dreaming basically means being aware and conscious during a dream. During a lucid dream, we become more aware of our thoughts and can take significant control over different aspects of our dream.

Through journaling, we can efficiently record our dream experiences and the realizations we make from them.

Keeping a daily dream journal, for instance, helps us remember and reminisce on important events that happen in our dreams, and then meditate upon their symbolic interpretations.

Eventually, you can take control or even manipulate some portions of your dream to give it a more meaningful ending.

5. Helps Us Focus On Current Affairs and Think Up the Best Solution

Keeping a journal allows us to be realistic, open-minded, and focused. By putting our thoughts on paper, it is easier for us to live in the moment and not worry much about the future.

It eliminates circular thinking by continually feeding us realistic solutions to a certain problem rather than focusing on our perceptions alone.

Journaling enables us to come up with the best problem-solving strategy that can efficiently solve the issue in a matter of time.

It allows us to view things from different perspectives and explore our mental capabilities for solving life’s greatest setbacks.

Ultimately, journaling helps us attain an optimal state of mental clarity for better understanding and decision-making.

6. Helps Us Plan, Set Goals and Achieve Them

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Keeping a journal is a form of free-writing that can help us identify, plan, and achieve our goals and aspirations in life.

Knowing our life’s purpose is the first step in developing a realistic goal that we will use throughout this journey.

When we are definite about our goals, it will be easier for us to formulate steps to attain them.

Journaling gives us the time to explore our values and recognize the things that matter the most. When we are writing honestly, we can be our highest, truest, and most honest selves.

Writing down our ideas on paper ultimately makes them a more realistic, tangible thing. Keeping them within the corners of our minds will not cause us any progress.

Letting them out of our subconscious will turn these wonderful ideas into valuable steps to achieving our ultimate goals in life.

We just have to trust the process and give our 100% effort to emerge victorious in the end.

7. Boosts Our Intuition and Self-Awareness

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Journaling enables us to trust our gut feeling without relying much on conscious reasoning. It clears our minds and leads us on the path to greatness.

When we are making a journal, we are aware of our desired destinations, our limitations, the negativities along the way, and possible outcomes of our journey.

Journaling boosts our self-awareness by staying curious and mindful. We let our minds explore the things that can offer us genuine happiness and ultimate success.

Journaling can help us pursue the things we genuinely desire by giving us that compelling drive to kick start the process and do everything to win the battle.

8. Helps Us Express Ourselves Internally

As previously stated, journaling helps us show our truest selves – without pretensions, doubts, and inhibitions.

This certainty about our sets of values and beliefs enables us to let down our guards and face the world with dignity and pride.

Keeping a daily journal helps us keep track of who we truly are and what we want to become – the very reasons for our existence.

9. Promotes Spiritual Healing and Speeds Up Emotional Recovery

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Stressful events in life can bring emotional trauma that can negatively affect our overall health and well-being. Dealing with these stressful events is never an easy task.

Journaling is one of the many effective ways of addressing emotional burdens. This allows us to quiet our minds and compose our thoughts for better thinking and decision-making.

Keeping a journal allows us to freely express our thoughts and feelings rather than disregarding them.

Our ability to acknowledge our thoughts can help us identify the most-depressing issues within ourselves and formulate realistic solutions to address them.

When we write, we learn more about ourselves – our strengths, limitations, and roadblocks to our success.

We eventually learn that these thoughts are valid and make up the totality of our personality. We fully understand that it is okay not to be okay and that we need healing to get back on track and live again.

Spiritual Benefits of Journaling: Summary

Journaling is an efficient method of learning our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When we write, we can have a better grasp of our innermost being and the things we can’t control.

Keeping a journal enables us to think freely and let go of the negative emotions that get in the way of our self-improvement.

Journaling, indeed, is a meaningful journey. The spiritual benefits of journaling go beyond all our expectations about improving our overall well-being.

It helps us formulate realistic solutions to the darkest issues that lie within us. It is through journaling that we fully understand, appreciate, and love (even harder) our vulnerable selves.

When things fall apart, we can always seek refuge from our journals. Write them, build them, and stick with them till the end.

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