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Diabetes Type 2 Management: Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

Diabetes Type 2 Management: Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that's caused by a spike in your blood sugar levels. It's one of the most common diagnosis in the world, which is what makes it a serious illness. When left untreated, this can damage several functions of your body like eyes, nerves,...

Probiotics – Just A Fad Or Something That You Really Need?

Probiotics – Just A Fad Or Something That You Really Need?

Probiotics. It’s a word that has crept into our discussions about food and health. It seems as if every other food advertiser is proudly claiming that their product contains probiotics. But what are probiotics? Are some kinds better than others? Where can you get them...

Natural Sugar vs Added Sugar: Which Sugar Is Best For You?

Natural Sugar vs Added Sugar: Which Sugar Is Best For You?

Sugar is a word that covers a multitude of sinful sweetness! Seriously, when we talk about sugar, we are talking about a range of chemicals, some manufactured, and some occurring naturally in the foods that we eat. Many foods have sugar added to them, and sometimes we...

Natural Synergy