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foods that boost immune system naturally

The main function of our immune system is to defend the body against infection.

Our immune system has this amazing ability to memorise every microbe (germ) it defeated, which enables it to respond quicker to the same microbe, should it entered our body again.

Therefore a well-functioning immune system is highly desirable as it defends us against many diseases.

The easiest and most natural way to boost immune system is simply to have a healthy diet.

Vitamins and minerals contained in our food provide vital substance for effective immune response against microbes.

Here’s my recommendation for foods that boost immune system naturally:

Fruit and Vegetables Packed with Vitamin C

citrus fruit and immune system

One of the main reasons we take vitamin C is to boost our immune system due to its significant involvement in many immune system functions, such as: normal growth and repair of bone, connective tissue, blood vessels and skin.

Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant that helps protect body’s cells against the effects of free radicals and fight inflammation.

The following fruit and vegetables are well known for their high concentration of vitamin C:

  • Amla: (Indian Gooseberry) is a fruit that is considered to be the richest natural source of vitamin C. 100-gram of fresh amla berries provides 300mg of vitamin C which is an equivalent of 20 oranges and more than twice the daily recommended value for adults.
  • Papaya: an incredibly healthy tropical fruit, high in vitamins C and A. It also contains fiber and enzyme called papain that is said to aid digestion.
  • Broccoli: has a truly nutrient-rich profile which makes it one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your plate.  

It is a powerful source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Broccoli also provides a significant amount of vitamin C which supports healthy immune response.

Vitamin C is typically associated with citrus fruit but broccoli definitely deserves a credit — only half a cup serving (80g) of cooked broccoli boasts approx. 85% of daily recommended intake for this vitamin.

  • Citrus Fruits (lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange etc): are most commonly known for high vitamin C content, are good sources of soluble fiber which helps lower cholesterol and aids digestion.

It may be worth mentioning that it is best to consume whole fruits as opposed to juicing them due to high (natural) sugar content which, if consumed on regular basis, would not be as beneficial health-wise (after all, it is still sugar even if natural!).

  • Spinach: leafy green vegetable, rich in vitamin c, antioxidants which may increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems. Spinach is most nutritious and healthy when served fresh or cooked as little as possible.

Spinach is also a good source of beta-carotene which helps the body produce vitamin A. Vitamin A in turn is believed to be an immune enhancer that aids the body’s protection against infection. 

Powerful Herbs and Spices

herbs That Boost Immune System Naturally

Herbs and spices have been known for centuries as natural remedies for many ailments and to aid recovery.

They can strengthen immunity and provide excellent protection against infections or help recover faster when you’re unwell.

Their biggest advantage is the fact that they improve immunity and at the same time do not burden the digestive system.

They can fight diseases caused by viruses and fungi. Herbs can protect against microbes and greatly facilitate the functioning of the human immune system.

Here’s some of the most powerful ones:

  • Garlic: has been known for centuries for its remarkable antimicrobial (antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal) and immune-boosting properties, especially when it comes to fighting infections.

It is one of my personal favourite home remedies used whenever I feel a bit ‘under the weather’ or as a healthy herb improving the taste of my dishes.

However, a polite disclaimer here: some people may be allergic to it or get stomach upset. Garlic may also interact with certain medicines.

If it’s you-stay away! There’s enough immunity boosting foods out there to choose from.

Unfortunately, not every claimed ‘healthy’ food is healthy for everyone just as there is no ‘fit for all’ diet plan.

  • Ginger: may boost immune system thanks to its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s often used in making teas or with hot water and honey as a remedy for a cold due to its ‘warming up’ effect on the body.
  • Echinacea: is a herb used to shorten the duration of the common cold and flu, and reduce symptoms like sore throat, cough or fever.

Echinacea has antiviral and antioxidant properties. It is often recommended to boost the immune system, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and help the body fight infections.

  • Turmeric: is a golden in color spice and a powerful medicinal herb. It is sometimes referred to as the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.

The main active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin and it has powerful anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Curcumin however is said to be poorly absorbed into the bloodstream.

For that reason some find it helpful to consume it with black pepper which improves its absorption or take it with fatty meal due to the fact that curcumin is also fat soluble.

How about improving your immune system by making your own natural antibiotic? (free herbal antibiotic recipe provided).

Antioxidants Powerhouse

The main reason antioxidants are so beneficial is that they protect our body from free radicals which are responsible for the aging process and are linked to multiple illnesses.

Therefore, if we supply our body with antioxidants, we will support the immune system and strengthen its efforts to fight free radicals.

Here’s my favorite sources of antioxidants:

Green Tea

green tea and immune system

Green Tea is loaded with antioxidants and personally I believe it’s one of the healthiest hot drinks you can have.

I mostly drink leafy green tea which I find very beneficial for keeping me alert and its calming effect.

It doesn’t need to be organic but if you decide to give a green tea a go, make sure you select a good quality, pure leafy green tea (i.e. no artificial additives).

Green tea has a variety of possible health benefits from aiding digestion, optimizing brain function, improving heart health to having positive effect on weight loss and regulating body temperature.

It may be worth mentioning here that green tea has a cooling effect on the body so if you tend to have sore throat, be sure to add a slice of fresh ginger to your brew, especially in the winter time.

If you are interested to learn how to brew green tea for energy and focus, you can read about it in another article.

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract is said to have powerful medicinal properties that can help address a number of health issues. Interestingly, it has plenty more antioxidant potential than olive oil itself.  

Olive leaves have traditionally been used to enhance the functioning of the immune system and improve the body’s efforts in fighting invading organisms.

One of the many benefits of olive leaf extract is its wide range of antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is good for treating fungal infections and is used as a natural antibiotic.

Olive leaves come from the olive tree which grows mainly in the Mediterranean area.

The olive leaf extract supplement I personally use is made in Italy.

It was recommended by my Italian friend Daniela who, impressed by the health benefits she experienced using it herself as a client, got involved in promoting this amazing supplement to everyone who may need it.

You can read more abut my experience with this olive leaf extract supplement or buy natural antioxidant supplement online.

pros and cons of Ningxia Red

Ningxia Red Juice

NingXia Red Juice is yet another powerful natural antioxidant supplement that I use myself for boosting my immune system and I highly recommend it.

It is made from juices and extracts of superfruits like Aronia, cherry, plum, blueberry, pomegranate, whole fruit pulp from exotic NingXia wolfberries (goji berry), pure vanilla extract and some essential oils (Orange, Yuzu, Lemon and Tangerine).

NingXia Red is a top quality supplement that indeed provides a whole-body nutrient infusion.

The fruit is grown in pristine locations that is rigorously tested for pesticides, heavy metals and other contaminants.

You can now buy NingXia Red Juice on Amazon or read about pros and cons of Ningxia Red first (my personal experience).


probiotic food and immune system

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health defines probiotics as ” live microorganisms that are intended to have health benefits when consumed or applied to the body.”

Probiotics are known for helping balance the healthy gut bacteria in our digestive system which is linked to a wide range of health benefits.

This also translates into health of immune system due to the fact that some probiotics promote the production of natural antibodies in our body which boosts immunity.

Probiotics can be found in a variety of fermented foods or taken in the form of a supplement. I highly recommend natural sources of probiotics such as:  

  • Sauerkraut: very popular in central and eastern Europe, finely shredded cabbage fermented by lactic acid bacteria. 

Nutritious on its own or can be turned into other dishes. My mom calls it ‘vitamin bomb’ as in addition to its probiotic qualities it is rich in many vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

  • Natural Yogurt: doesn’t need much introduction as it is commonly known and easily accessible from any supermarket or local store.  

It is made from fermented milk and friendly lactic acid bacteria. Be sure to choose only natural, unsweetened yoghurt that contains ‘active and live cultures of bacteria’ (not all of them do).

  • Kefir: fermented drink typically made from cow’s or goat’s milk. It’s a fantastic source of many nutrients and my personal favorite milk fermented probiotic.

It also boosts immune system, aids digestive issues and may improve bone health. You can consume it the same way as natural yogurt, it’s also very refreshing on its own.

  • Buttermilk: is another fermented dairy product and a by-product of butter making. It is low in calories and easy to digest.

Thanks to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, it supports the beneficial intestinal flora. Buttermilk is also a good source of calcium.

It can be consumed as a refreshing drink or used as an ingredient in other dishes.

  • Sour Pickle:  cucumbers fermented in a solution of salty water using their own naturally present lactic acid bacteria. Personally, I love them as a side dish or as one of the ingredients in my vegetable salad 😊
  • Kombucha: is a product of fermentation, made with tea (black or green), yeast and sugar. I added it to ‘the mix’ for your experience of taste but be careful as it does contain sugar and so I would only recommend this particular probiotic on a ’once in a while basis’.

If you buy ready-made kombucha, be sure to check the label for the list of ingredients (you want to see there only natural ingredients, no preservatives etc) and how much sugar was added.

For optimum health benefits aim at kombucha made with green tea as it will offer similar benefits to green tea itself.

In case you prefer probiotics in a supplement form, there is a good choice available on Amazon with excellent reviews.

Foods That Boost Immune System Naturally: Summary

Learn how to boost your immunity and health naturally

Food is more than just basic need. The quality of the food you eat, will be reflected in the quality of your overall health including your skin condition, energy level, quality of your sleep etc.

The better the fuel you provide to your body, the better your outcome and protection against ailment.

Help your body get what it needs to be healthy and your immune system will repay you when you’ll need it most!

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