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how to become a doer and stop procrastinating

Everyone struggles with procrastination. You know what you should do, but for some reason, you find yourself escaping that task and doing unnecessary stuff instead, leaving the most important ones undone.

If you are not aware how to become a doer and stop procrastinating, it will be hard for you to achieve your ultimate goals in life.

To change your habit of procrastination, you need to start changing your behavior first and devise a detailed plan on how to commit to getting things done.

Here are some powerful tips on how to stop procrastinating once and for all.

“A year from now you may wish you had started today”Karen Lamb

How To Become a Doer & Stop Procrastinating Once and For All

Want to learn from Steven how to automate motivation and all the “hard stuff”? Join Mindavalley membership today to access Steven’s the Habit of Ferocity course.

Procrastinating is a habit you build up over time. If you keep repeating this habit, you will get used to it until it becomes part of your system.

The same concept applies if you want to know how to become a doer and stop procrastinating.

You need to keep doing the things that will motivate you to take action until you become invincible against procrastination.

Here are some tips you should follow.

1. Just Take Action and Start Now

When facing an important decision in life where you need to take action right away, the first step is always the hardest.

A simple day-to-day task like washing the dishes or doing your homework can sometimes be so hard to do.

What more if the thing you need to take action on is something that can change your life ultimately.

It can be applying for a new job, finishing writing a novel, or doing that house renovation you have been thinking about for years.

Whatever you want to do, and you know it is important to you, just start doing it. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Avoidance and procrastination will not provide the answer to whether you can do it or not if you have already failed to start.

2. Do Not Go After Perfection

Perfection doesn’t exist. You can never strike a perfect idea. You can never find the perfect solution to your life’s dilemma. Thus, you need to destroy perfection and just get things done.

Most of the time, you try to delay the things you want to achieve in life because you think you are not good enough.

You build this mindset that if you try to take action towards your life goals today without the right skills, tools, or resources to do it, you will just fail.

And nobody wants to experience the pain of failure and rejection.

But if you keep perfecting yourself to become your best version before taking a leap of faith, you might be wasting your time.

Remember, it doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needed to be. So just do it.

3. Make a To-Do List

Creating a to-do list is the most common way of beating procrastination. If you have a plan ahead of time by listing all the essential things you need to finish for the day, you will not be led astray.

Keeping a to-do list and focusing on your tasks will make you more conscious of finishing them on time.

There are lots of tools you can use to keep a to-do list. It can be a pocket notebook or a smartphone application, whichever works best for you—plan and list all the things you need to do the night before.

You can make adjustments as the day goes on. As soon as you get used to it, you will be surprised at how it can make you more productive.

4. Start With the Most Challenging Task

Dale Carnegie, an American writer and lecturer, explains this concept in a few words: “Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.” And it is also what most successful people live up to.

Starting your day right is the most important thing you need to remember. The emotion you will feel as you wake up can last for the entire day.

If you avoid an essential task that is uncomfortable for you, you will probably avoid doing it for the rest of the day.

But once you accomplish it, you will feel that satisfaction that can also inspire you to do more things since there is nothing else that blocks your way to productivity.

5. Time Yourself

Based on Perkinson’s Law, work expands to the time allotted to it. Therefore, you need to set a fixed time frame and block that time in your day until you complete all your tasks.

You can increase your productivity and motivation for other essential tasks if you accomplish the things you need to finish within your allocated time.

However, you might need to set a more realistic timeframe so you would not beat yourself up and fail in the end. It can demotivate you to continue and resort to procrastinating.

You also must avoid setting plenty of time, especially on simple day-to-day tasks, such as washing dishes, watering the plants, or maybe going to the grocery store to buy some stuff.

These tasks do not require hours, so if you have already finished doing any of them and still have the remaining time to spare, you will probably end up procrastinating and failing to follow your set schedule.

6. Set a Routine Or a Habit

Interested in Steven’s teaching on how to automate motivation and beat procrastination for good? Watch the FREE Masterclass now or learn about Steven’s Habit of Ferocity training course.

They say it will become a habit if you keep doing the same thing for 21 days. For example, you want to get used to waking up early in the morning.

To do it, you need to push yourself to wake up as soon as your alarm rings for several days until it gets to your system.

Setting a routine or a habit is effective if you want to pursue a more organized schedule and leave no room for procrastination.

In the beginning, you will find it hard to keep up with a specific routine you want to practice. There will be days that you will relapse.

Most of the time, people give up once they break the system they want to build. There is no other way but to get back up and repeat the process all over again.

7. Surround Yourself With Successful People That Inspire You

The environment where you live and the people you often associate with play a vital role in how you can become a doer and stop procrastinating.

Birds with the same feather flock together. If you want to become successful in life, you need to build relationships with other people who have the same mindset.

You might want to distance yourself from those who demotivate or belittle you. These people will only keep you from focusing on your goals.

You can consider attending events where you have the opportunity to meet like-minded people.

Additionally, listening, watching, or reading motivational resources from highly successful people will inspire you to act like them.

If you keep exposing yourself to the doers, or those who make their dreams happen, you will indeed become one like them.

8. Prime Your Mind For Action Taking – Try Meditation or Hypnosis

Want to learn how to boost your performance with meditation? Watch Emily’s FREE Masterclass or learn more about her M Word course. Also available with Mindvalley membership!

If you are someone who has struggled with procrastination for years and trying hard to overcome it but see no developments at all, you might need to take this problem to a deeper level.

Meditation and hypnosis are two things that can help you prime your mind for action-taking. Sometimes, it is not enough for you to push and convince yourself to beat procrastination.

There are probably things within you that you need to address, so you can deal with them and change your mind for the better.

People who experience anxiety, depression, emotional ups and downs, stress, and traumas in life will have difficulty pursuing their dreams and aspirations.

Most people who suffer from these psychological conditions build up fear.

Procrastination is the fear of success. If you have these fears, you will resort to avoidance and procrastination since you do not want to face and carry the responsibility of this success you want to achieve.

Fear also makes you lose your confidence in yourself. For you, procrastinating is better than dealing with failure in the end.

If you try meditation for procrastination, you can calm your mind and eliminate all the stress inside you. This way, you can perform at your best and strive for productivity.

On the other hand, you can also try hypnosis for procrastination. This method will help you rewire your brain and keep you from all the factors that cause you to procrastinate.

How To Become a Doer & Stop Procrastinating: Conclusion

For many of us, learning how to become a doer and stop procrastinating is a heavy obligation. You always need to keep up with all these tasks to succeed in life.

However, a little break from our busy lives is also necessary, especially if done right.

The key is balancing your responsibilities and focusing on what matters in your life. In this way, you will not get overwhelmed and still manage to stay productive.

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