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Natural Healing Methods – 7 Holistic Therapies Proven To Work
Recent years have shown the trend leaning towards everything organic and natural. The demand for organic and natural-grown food has increased, and more people have turned to natural healing remedies. Holistic therapy is one of the most popular approaches to natural...
Why Gratitude Is Important in Recovery: 3 Benefits to Help You Recover Faster!
It’s often been said that a lot goes into a recovery process than just physical therapy. One’s frame of mind can affect how a body is being molded for the better. So, why is gratitude important in recovery? Being thankful will help us focus on the good and give...
Why Is Gratitude So Powerful: 10 Most Important Benefits of Appreciation
Thank you! Two words. Yet they are two very powerful words that can create a powerful impact. You must have heard these two words at least once in your life, if not often. When you do hear these words, how does it make you feel? What kind of feelings do these...
Is Tai Chi Spiritual? 3 Spiritual Benefits of Tai Chi
The principles of Tai Chi are strongly rooted in the Taoist philosophy that balance naturally exists among all things. This natural balance, often described as yin and yang, can be concisely described as "opposite yet complementary." With such lofty concepts, you may...
Qigong vs Tai Chi – Differences and Benefits
Qigong vs. tai chi – what makes one different from the other? You should know that both are mind-body practices that help heal and improve the body and spirit. It is currently being used not just as a method of exercise but also to help people trying to overcome...
Is Qigong a Spiritual Practice? What Can Spiritual Qigong Do for You?
Is qigong a spiritual experience? The short and simple answer is – yes. Qigong is a practice that lets you gain control of your life by gaining control of yourself. It’s often said that while you can’t control everything around you – you can control how to react to...