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Is Green Tea Good For You? Surprising Effects On the Body
Many people turn to green tea because of its antioxidants and low caffeine levels. It’s a great option for black tea and coffee. While first-timers may not like the taste of their first cups, some preparation methods can be the culprit of bitter undesirable taste. But...
Antioxidants Benefits – What Are Antioxidants Good For?
We hear so much about antioxidants being good for us, but what are they really, and how can they help us become healthier? Here's all about it. What Are Antioxidants and Free Radicals? Antioxidants are substances that can fight off the damaging effects of free...
Top 5 Alkaline Supplements To Have With Your Smoothie or a Juice Everyday
Some foods such as wheat, meat, and processed foods cause your body to produce acid. Too much acidity triggers conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even autoimmune diseases. When you eat alkaline foods, you protect your body against these conditions. Most...
How To Do Whole Foods Cleansing With Alkaline Superfoods Smoothie and Juice? (3 EASY Recipes!)
Whole foods cleansing or superfood nutritional cleanse is not exactly a new trend but it becomes more and more popular amongst regular people (not just health buffs) who also want to enjoy better health, vitality and energy in their life. As previously discussed on...
Gut Cleanse For a Healthier You (Clean Your Gut Naturally)
Colon cleanse or gut cleanse is one of the best ways to eliminate toxins and wastes from your body. There are numerous health benefits like helping avoid issues like irregularity in one’s bowel movement and constipation. Studies show that having a regular cleanse...
5 Best Herbs for Digestion: How to Improve Digestion Naturally
Consumers these days are swamped with processed, pre-packaged meals and snacks. This accessibility of packaged foods and the steadily growing culture of fast food makes healthy, home-cooked meals a rare luxury for most people. A typical Western diet is high in...